
We're glad you're interested in visiting Piedmont Technical College!

Choosing the right college for you is one of the most important and exciting decisions you will ever make. The first step in making the right decision is to make a connection with us. To get started, schedule an appointment using the link below. You can also call or stop by one of our eight locations

Schedule Your Appointment

Select Your Virtual Tour

We've put together some virtual tours of several locations on our campuses. We are adding to these tours regularly. So, if you don't see what you are looking for, please check back with us. 

Business, Information Technology, Public Service & Commercial Art Division

业务, Information Technology, Public Service and Commercial Art Division offers the most diverse set of programs at PTC. From Business, to Education, to Graphic Design and Professional Crafts.

Industrial and Engineering Division

Students enrolled in any of the Industrial Technology curricula will gain practical experience and technical knowledge. 装备精良的实验室, broad-based programs and hands-on opportunities make the difference in their futures.

卫生保健 Division

Although many people think of doctors and nurses when they think of health care, these positions are just a small segment of the health care industry. Many other disciplines—from cardiovascular technicians to surgical technologists—are necessary to make the system work.

County Campuses and 位置